Euro Schecky

John Caldwell at the European Poker Tour

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Poker on the plane.

So, I was flying to NYC for my Bronco adventure, and I was on Song, which I have never flown on, but highly recommend (clearly, this is Delta's answer to JetBlue - TV at every seat, cheap tix, etc.).

Anyway, so I sit down at my seat, and notice that one of the games you can play (you can 'unlock' the games for your whole flight for $5) is Texas Holdem. I figure let take a shot, mostly curious to see if anyone else would play. I sign up, and for the first 45 mins of the flight, I am the only one signed up, I figure I have blown $5, and move on with it.

About 20 minutes later, I go back into the games section, and see a couple people playing. One thing interesting about this game is that it tells you where the other players are, for example, when i am on, it said 'Schecky, seat 12C'. So, I see the other two that are playing are sitting next to each other. So, I sit down, and having not played 'free money' poker in about 5 years, it was really fun, and funny. These two hadn't played a lot, and it was really interesting to see how they played. Here are a couple gems.

- one played checked his straight flush on the river after I had checked to him with third pair.
- another player called raises, and called me down with King high on a board with a straight, flush, and pair on board. I almost check folded the river.
- another check on the river (from the same guy) with top full house.

I know, I know, its play money....on a plane, not reality...but that's the point. I haven't played anything like this in years, and it was interesting to see how people would play, and react.

The point is, if you are on Song, the $5 poker is probably worth it to kill some time.


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